Join the fastest-growing pro-Israel movement, and support small scale
Jewish farmers, artisans, and their families
Lev Haolam
Lev Haolam allows supporters of Israel to help small, local family businesses in Judea & Samaria and other regions most affected by terror and international boycotts. HAMAS, BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) Movements, which are in reality organisations of bigotry, discrimination and antisemitism has placed Israel under siege attempting to kill and starve the Jewish people into submission. HAMAS calls for Israels destruction whilst BDS calls for a boycott of all Israeli products, and those who suffer the most, are small Jewish owned family businesses.
Become an integral part of Israel's development and success today and.......
​Support Israel While Raising Church Funds
For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings - Romans 15:27
Connect your Church or Family Directly to The Holy Land and be Blessed​
For only $99 receive a box full of surprise goods to RAFFLE monthly at your Church
Products from Jewish farmers and artisans direct from Israel's heartland, Judea and Samaria
Order a monthly pack to raffle or to share with your family and friends
Come and join the International Family of Christians Supporting Israel
Gift Packs created by Lev Haolam
Pay for the pack, raffle off the contents, and keep the profits month after month after month. Contents will differ, hamper to hamper.
Jewish families who have dedicated their lives to restoring these parts of Israel rely on the success of their businesses, but international boycotts are putting their livelihoods at risk.
We connect international supporters with Israel’s Jewish pioneers by putting unique monthly packages together that contain goods that are produced by local businesses in Judea and Samaria.
Lev Haolam is an organization that supports local Jewish business owners in Judea and Samaria who are suffering because of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Lev Haolam gives the opportunity to support these Jewish pioneers and their families through our Surprise Monthly Package Project. Our members receive monthly packages filled with goods produced by the families and small businesses of Judea and Samaria.
Together, we help the families of Judea and Samaria survive the economic boycott. Join over 3,000 Lev Haolam members all over the world!
Connect with the Holy Land through your Ongoing Support
Quality Products
Support Small Israeli Business
Fight Against the BDS Siege​ of Israel
Generate Funds for your Church​
Self Perpetuating ​Fund Raiser
Build Bridges between Christians and Jews​
​Sustain Jewish pioneers and their Families
​Your Money goes Directly to the People, who are Already Developing the Land of Israel